
Pipe Bedding Sand
Whibco’s pipe bedding sand is composed of rounded/ sub-angular particles that perform better that many of the bedding materials composed of crushed angular stone. The sharper pieces in crushed stone causes problems and can pierce some piping materials.

DEP (PA) Sand
Chapter 73 Subsection 73.55(C)) – Our septic sand has proven itself in sand mound septic applications all over southeastern PA. Due to the cleanliness of our septic sand, you will get more years of use from a sand mound using Whibco’s Septic Sand.

Septic Sand
N.J.A.C. 7:9A – Our septic sands meet the criteria set forth in the New Jersey Administrative Code – Standards for Individual Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems. Our Septic sand has been used in Southern New Jersey for years and it is the gold standard for performance.

Thermal Sand
Whibco’s thermal sand is specialty blended product that meets the needs of electrical utilities looking for a non-corrosive, non-reactive material that demonstrates the thermal resistivity required for use in high voltage applications. Whibco is an approved producer of Thermal sand for both Peco Electric and Consolidated Edison Utilities have used our Thermal sand as a replacement for flowable fill. On projects where access is needed on a continuing basis, the material can be dug out by hand to continue on with the next day’s work.